

Education for an equine shiatsu practicioner (Diploma Course) at The School of Equine Shiatsu lasts two and a half years. For some this is an opportunity for a carrier change and for the majority of students it is a life changing experience. It is exactly as it's written on the cover of the manual for students written by Jill: „Equine Shiatsu – the journey starts here“. Yes, this is the truth, by embarking on this journey most of the students question their attitudes and their way of thinking, discover new perspectives regarding horses as well as towards life itself. Shiatsu is based on the ancient knowledge of Chinese medicine and the practice of many shiatsu practitioners over many years. To drink from the well of such knowledge is not just refreshing but also a healing experience.



















The education is organized through weekend modules (24 weekends) so that it can be coordinated with other business and private obligations. Over those two and a half years there is a lot of practical work with people and horses. The students acquire eastern konowledges as well as knowledge in anatomy, physiology, patology and horse behaviour.

In England, every fall, at the end of September starts a new group of students which you can join. Bookings are made by the end of July. In case you would like to finish the course in England you can turn directly to

We have started with the first group of students in Croatia in September 2016. The school in Croatia is a part of The School of Equine Shiatsu and works according to the same program and standards. Experienced teachers come from England, teach at the school, monitor and support the work of the students. The next Diploma Course in Croatia starts in 2021. If you are interested in finishing the school in Croatia please contact us.

If you are drawn to the the idea of becoming a shiatsu practitioner we invite you to join us at one of our Foundation Courses and feel for yourself…