Shiatsu is...
…therapy based on the principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
…treatment which balances the flow of energy through the body and in that way helps the recovery of the whole organism.
…combination of massage, stretches, limb rotations and pressures on the powerful acupuncture points.
Shiatsu is a comprehensive system of natural therapy based on the principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It focuses on finding the causes of problems rather than treating the symptoms. By regulating the flow of energy (Qi) through the channels (meridians) which run through the body we can restore its balance and vitality. The flow of energy through the body is improved by the combination of pressures on powerful acupuncture points, gentle stretches and rotations. These techniques help blood and lymph circulation, release muscle and organ tension, increase the elimination of toxins and boost immune system. As a healing art it is most similar to acupressure and acupuncture which have been used for thousands of years. The literal translation of shiatsu is „finger pressure“. There are different styles and schools of shiatsu and they all stem from Japan and have their roots in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Shiatsu has been long used to treat a wide spectrum of emotional problems and chronic conditiones in people: headaches, PMS, digestion problems, fatique, insomnia, stress, anxiety, joint and muscle pain, inner organ dysfunctions such as bladder infection, asthma, bronchitis… The School of Equine Shiatsu educates practitioners specialized in ungulates (horses and donkeys). Since the majority of clients are horses, from here onwards we will use the common terms shiatsu for horses or equine shiatsu. Shiatsu for horses is developed as a combination of knowledge in people shiatsu therapy and horse acupuncture. It became popularized in the seventies through the work of the late Pamela Hannay, the author of the first book on that subject. Since then new techniques have been developing and new findings have been acquired. With the progress of veterinary medicine shiatsu also gains new challenges, dimensions and proofs of its efficacy. There are more and more veterinarians who work close together with shiatsu practitioners and recommend shiatsu treatments to horse owners.